Pournis George - Repair & Installation of Electronic Device - Antennas - Satellite Systems - Security Cameras - Audio Coverage Evia

Pournis George - Repair & Installation of Electronic Device - Antennas - Satellite Systems - Security Cameras - Audio Coverage Evia

30894 Visitors:
Address: Makrikapa
Area: Evia
Telephone: 2228071596
Mobile: 6972771096
P.C.: 34400
Fax: -
Responsible: George Pournis
Responsible phone: -
Audio coverage of concerts, weddings - Evia. Audio coverage of baptisms, festivals, events, pantyhoses. Audio and video equipment service, Evia. Our company based in central Evia is active in the field of repair of electronic devices, installation and installation of antennas and satellite systems. Our goal is to offer our customers the best possible and quality service at a reasonable and affordable price that reflects our own will and effort to respond to the individual needs and requi...
30894 Visitors:

Makrikapa, Evia

30894 Visitors:

Audio coverage of concerts, weddings - Evia.
Audio coverage of baptisms, festivals, events, pantyhoses.
Audio and video equipment service, Evia.

Our company based in central Evia is active in the field of repair of electronic devices, installation and installation of antennas and satellite systems.

Our goal is to offer our customers the best possible and quality service at a reasonable and affordable price that reflects our own will and effort to respond to the individual needs and requirements of each one.

By offering cooperation and offering, we are expanding into a network of activities ranging from the provision of telephone consultants to our on-site presence. Following the long tradition of the Greek family business, we guarantee our customers reliable services and an intimate approach that is always the synonym of the "neighborhood shop".

Finally, we undertake sound coverage of social events in audio equipment and in the configuration of a musical program according to preferences.


Antenna Installation Repairs of audiovisual equipment
Antenna Installation Antenna placements
Antenna Installation Installation of satellite systems
Antenna Installation Security cameras
Antenna Installation Relay broadcasting systems
Antenna Installation Sound coverage of social events
30894 Visitors:


Telephone: 2228071596
Mobile: 6972771096

Working Hours
